What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the insertion of extremely thin needles (0.25mm) through your skin on specific points of your body. Traditional Chinese Medicine explains acupuncture as a technique to balance the flow of energy, or, life force — known as Qi (chee) — which is believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. When the body is out of balance, disease and/or health conditions arise and Acupuncture helps to restore/maintain homeostasis. It does this by stimulating the body’s natural ability to heal itself, improving the flow of oxygen, nutrients and blood through the system to nourish every cell and is traditionally used to treat muscular pain, headaches, stress, emotional disorders, digestive issues, inflammation, hormone imbalances, anxiety, TMJ, arthritis, irregular menstruation, and fertility.

What is Cosmetic Acupuncture? 

Cosmetic Acupuncture is a holistic treatment that takes the principles of Traditional Acupuncture and applies them to skin concerns and conditions. If you are presenting with Acne or Roascea for example, or feeling like your skin is dehyrated or appearing more tired than usual, then this is a sign from your body that something internally could be out of balance. Cosmetic Acupuncture takes an inside-out approach, working internally to restore the balance by needling specific points on the face and body, as well as working with the skin superficially to target your concerns, nourishing from deep within and supporting your own natural healing abilities. 

Does it Hurt?

The needles are 0.25mm, which is about the thickness of a strand of hair and cause little to no pain. Most people feel a deep sense of relaxation and calm when receiving acupuncture.

What are the benefits? 

Here are some of the benefits you can acheive from receiving regular Acupuncture. We recommend  a course of 6 treatments, ideally once weekly for the best outcome, then maintance treatments every couple of months.

Calmer, Clearer Skin
A more sculpted and smoother appearance
Boosted Collagen Production
Hormone balancing
Stress Relief
Reduced Anxiety
Increased Energy
Reduced Fatigue
Immune Support
Relief from joint and muscle pain
Reduced Inflammation
Improved digestive health

